
7 mindful Mental Health reminders to soothe your soul

In the honor of having Mental Health awareness week, I thought of sharing some healthy and mindful mental health reminders. These daily mental health reminders are simple yet thought-provoking.

Being a mental health advocate, it indeed becomes our responsibility to end mental health stigma and spread awareness as much as we can.

May being the National Mental Health Awareness month, it makes me super proud to bring these cute, little daily reminders of positivity.

There is so much stuff happening around and we are so pumped with all the noises and notification, with this piece, I suggest you slow down and take a deep breath.

mindful mental health reminders

Know that everything will work out in its time, stressing for something that is not in our control is like forcing the waves to stop reaching the shores. In the end, it always results in floods.

Here is how you can clear your mind from all the noises.

I have noticed the magical power of these mantras and they always keep me grounded. I frequently share these little micro poems on mental and emotional wellness on my Instagram page.

I invite you to rest here and feel this as a safe place. Before diving in, I would assure you that you are not alone and we are all together in this. May you find calm and strength in these words.

mindful mental health reminders

7 daily reminders for Mental Health:

1. ‘ You don’t have to fix yourself as you heal’ 

Throughout our journey of healing, we are so focused on the idea that we need to fix ourselves in order to heal. We fail to realize that we are a simple breathing human soul who doesn’t need any fixing.

What we need is self-love, kindness, self-compassion, empathy but in no case do we need to fix ourselves.

You, my darling are totally perfect and there is no need to carry this baggage of fixing yourself as you heal. Your healing journey is so much more than just fixing.

You are growing and blooming as you heal and I am so proud of all that you are becoming. Let’s not focus on this idea of fixing ourselves.


mindful mental health reminders

2. ‘Your mind only flowers the seed you plant’

This positive mental health quote keeps me going whenever I find myself stuck within the web of overthinking. It is so much necessary to pause and relax in order to understand our thoughts.

In this haste and hurry we totally are forgetting the seeds we are sowing in our mind. Let’s be more mindful and know what exactly we are feeding our minds with.

These daily mental health reminders are some soul-nourishing quotes that make me think deeply and allow me to look at the bigger picture.

Our mind is a sacred garden and it only flowers the seed we plant
The thoughts we think have so much power to change our reality, hence it indeed is really important to be aware of them.
mindful mental health reminders

It truly is tough to control but by being aware, we can at least track them and whenever we find ourselves sowing the seed of weed, we can bring our focus to that area and quickly uproot it.

This act of being conscious about your thoughts is being mindful and it can totally be practiced through various techniques and tools. (willingness is the key)

I use journaling to record, reframe, and re-anchor my thoughts. Writing on the blank pages shows me the way where my thoughts are taking me.

Here is how you can start the practice of journaling.

And then it becomes a conscious decision on whether I want to follow my thought train or jump off the right station.

3. The sun may not be visible for now but trust me, it’s on its way to bring you the brightest morning

My dearest, this time indeed may be super difficult for you but trust me that this too will pass and we shall all rise again. Sometimes the only thing we need is the little ray of hope that shines through our darkest land.

These little quotes of positivity have always helped me to look beyond my dark tunnel.

mindful mental health reminders

I know, it gets difficult and sometimes you don’t feel like reading these words but even in those days may you never forget the magic of hope.

I really hope that this mindful mental health reminder stays with you whenever you feel low and discouraged.

4. You are allowed to climb your mountains at your own pace

How silly of us to compare our journey with someone else’s and then stress about the things that aren’t working!

We all have different mountains to climb and it is okay to travel according to our own pace. Sometimes we get so involved in the race of getting ahead that we fail to honor our growth.

Because of which we get into some or other kind of competition which really takes up a lot of our mental space. It never makes sense when we compare our start with someone’s middle.

mindful mental health reminder

Our mental health is adversely affected due to such unhealthy competitions. Trust your journey and consider yourself a human who at times needs rest. Whenever I catch myself comparing with someone’s journey, I quickly get back to this mindful reminder.

We are all humans and it is obvious to get trapped in this flow of rat race but it also becomes our responsibility to get bring ourselves back in the state of consciousness.

5. Unlearn the idea of being successful to be worthy

Since childhood, we have engraved this idea of success as the only parameter that can define our worth.

We consider ourselves unworthy, beat ourselves up when we don’t match some standards of being successful.

Achieving something is a part of you that doesn’t resemble your worth at all. And most importantly, what is successful for someone may not be for others. Defining success is quite subjective.

mindful mental health reminders

Sometimes, your goals and dreams may not appeal or resonate with someone but that doesn’t make you unworthy of achieving them either.

Understand the bigger picture where your success may speak about your performance but it never defines your worth.

You are worthy even if you do not achieve some societal mark. You are worthy of being kind and receiving kindness. You are so worthy to be a wonderful and beautiful human.

6. Give yourself the permission to be imperfect 

Perfection is totally a myth. When we force ourselves to be perfect, we lose our authentic selves.

We try being so hard on ourselves that in the end we are totally burnt out – mentally as well as physically.

We may have learned so many ideas of being perfect and that perfectionism is something that is well appreciated but let’s take this moment to realize that being YOU is more important than being perfect.

In this race of being perfect, so many artists give up on their dreams, fail to show up, and most importantly they never realize their true gift.

This thought of being perfect makes us so shallow and has adverse effects on our mental health.

Whenever I create a new piece of content, I put this mindful mental health reminder in front of me and create mindfully.

May this mental wellness mantra serve you every time whenever you get caught up in the race of perfectionism.

7. You are allowed to burn some bridges that no longer serve your growth

All our lives, we have learned so much about building the relations and holding onto them no matter what.

But there is a point when you need to let them go off. Sometimes to save yourself, you need to grab yourself out from such toxicity and gift yourself peace.

Understand this, no person on the earth who values you would refrain from growing.

These are the gems that you should definitely hold on, no matter what. But there are certain relations that instead of helping us grow, make us stuck and we feel so mentally caught up.

It is always better to let go of such bonds that fail to feel your bloom.

May this kind and gentle reminder serve you every time whenever you’re caught up between holding on or letting go.

I really hope that these 7 mindful mental health reminders serve you daily whenever you need them.

Do not ever forget how special you are.

Let us take a step forward to improve our mental health during this mental health awareness week.

I love putting these daily reminders for mental health as a sticky note or cute printables alongside my writing desk.

I have these 13 powerful affirmations for you which you can print out and use in your daily affirmation journal.

Do these mindful mantras spoke to you or resonated with you?

I would love to know your views in the comments.

Always so grateful for this invaluable connection, if you wish to join our community and receive mindfulness in your inbox, sign up for my newsletter here.


  1. Ashley

    May 27, 2020 at 5:18 am

    These are all great tips!

  2. Divine

    May 28, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    I really love 2 and 6. Indeed we are not meant to be perfect we just need to be ourselves. Beautiful post thanks for sharing.

  3. Alyssa

    May 28, 2020 at 2:28 pm

    Thank you for raising awareness about mental health! It’s just as important as our physical health because so many are experiencing this and wouldn’t know what to do. Having an inspirational daily mantra truly helps.

  4. Samantha DeCosmo

    May 28, 2020 at 2:45 pm

    I love “you are allowed to climb your mountain at your own pace”. Great reminders. Thank you!

  5. carolyn

    May 28, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    This is an absolutely lovely post and one I definitely needed to read right now. I’m trying to be gentle with myself, but it’s hard when you’re ambitious. I’m especially having trouble with the idea that success = worth. Right now I can’t work due to COVID, and the fact that I’m not bringing in any income is making me feel horrible. But you’re right, I need to understand my worthiness just as a human. Wonderful post, I’m so glad I found it.

  6. Brenda

    May 28, 2020 at 9:11 pm

    Hi it’s Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com These are words I really needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Nikki

    May 29, 2020 at 12:11 am

    This is beautiful!! I often struggle with comparison and need to remind myself that we’re all on our own journey <3

  8. Millie

    May 29, 2020 at 4:36 am

    These are such beautiful reminders that all of us can use especially in these difficult times. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Julianne

    June 1, 2020 at 6:05 pm

    Sonia, it is so clear that you are a poet! These are so important and beautifully written. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Embrace the present moment and enjoy the joy of NOW - Soothe Thy Soul

    June 4, 2020 at 4:59 pm

    […] Practicing mindfulness could be daunting in the beginning especially when you are like me who loves to dwell in the future or never seems to let go of the past. […]

  11. How to find hope when life gets hard - Soothe Thy Soul

    June 15, 2020 at 12:51 am

    […] 7 mindful reminders for your mental wellness […]

  12. Bridget

    June 19, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    These are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Great post.

  13. Let's Talk

    June 19, 2020 at 8:31 pm

    I love everything about this article.
    You just spoke about how the healing journey looks like.

  14. Sankhamala

    June 19, 2020 at 9:28 pm

    Truly inspiring..you have written so nicely!!!

  15. Karen Chen

    June 19, 2020 at 11:14 pm

    This was an amazing reminder, Sonia! I love the little graphics you included too, it adds the perfect touch 🙂

  16. Alexandra

    June 20, 2020 at 3:13 am

    Great post, Sonia! I especially love your reminder number four – Earth would so much better place if we’d share and accept this one!

  17. Bad mental health day - 11 tips to get through them - Soothe Thy Soul

    June 22, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    […] pleasant and happening but this heart and mind had something else to say. On such days, no amount of mindful reminders or healthy eating could do […]

  18. Most inspiring Mental Health quotes to make you feel less lonely - Soothe Thy Soul

    July 22, 2020 at 12:01 pm

    […] I will be sharing the mental health quotes that I wrote as well as of all those amazing humans whom I admire. I’m sure, you would love reading these 7 Mindful Mental health reminders too. […]

  19. hari

    August 8, 2020 at 6:40 pm

    I can totally relate to 1 3 5.
    thanks for sharing!

  20. RytLife

    March 3, 2022 at 4:10 pm

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