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369 Manifestation journaling technique
How to manifest using the 369 journaling technique?
Lately, I have been fascinated by different journaling techniques to manifest my desired reality. If you’re new to the manifestation world, I actually wrote a detailed post on how manifestation works, step-by-step in this post.
When I learned about this amazing 369 journaling technique and actually tried it myself + on one of my clients, I was surprised. It actually worked; not just for me but for my client as well and hence I thought of explaining the entire process of how to use journaling to manifest your wildest dreams. Just writing about this brings in so much excitement. Let me first explain the scientific reason behind choosing these numbers and then the spiritual reasons.

Why the numbers 3 6 9?
Let me introduce Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla. Tesla, not only invented the scientific devices but also deeply believed in the divine magic. He believed that Universe works in a certain format and The synchronicity of these particular numbers is in direct correlation with the Universe.
The number three is the direct link to Source/Universe. Six represents the deepest strength we have within ourselves. Nine is in accordance with moving on from the past and helps release any feelings of self-doubt or negativity.
He quoted, “If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you have the key to the universe”.
When studying circles (360 degrees, which is 3 + 6 = 9), for example, he discovered that no matter how many times you divided one, the outcome would always be a 3, 6 or 9. He felt these three numbers held great significance in the universe, nature, and the human blueprint.
What to exactly journal on for 3 6 9 times?
This is an important step because I was so confused initially on what to exactly write or in this case which affirmation to choose. Let me guide you on how to craft your own affirmation or choose one from the examples below.
According to Abraham Hicks, affirmations hold immense power in reprogramming our subconscious and making our minds believe in things before they actually manifest in our life. However, it’s necessary to have your affirmation 17 seconds long or roughly two lines written in the present tense.
Now, here’s why the 17-second long affirmation is crucial. It takes 17 seconds to let our mind focus on one thought and create energy around it. It takes 17 seconds for manifestation to begin so when you’re crafting an affirmation that is 17 seconds long, you’re initiating the process of manifestation.
With repetition, you allow that thought to stay in your mind throughout the day and hence it starts believing in that particular thought even before having it in reality.
Again, it’s necessary to write the affirmation in present tense and something that is 17 seconds long enough. Do not worry if you cannot think of any affirmation, I have a simple format that you can use.
Grab your journal and pens and create your own affirmation using the following template:
Start the manifestation with gratitude, add in emotion, and finish with the words “into my life”. For example:
“I am so thankful for the universe aligning with me to attract $10,000 into my bank account, bringing with it financial freedom, joy, and excitement into my life.”
You can pick any area of your life – money, love, health, relationships and create your own affirmation to focus on. The important thing to note here is to really focus on feeling. How would you feel when this manifestation comes true? How would you feel when you are truly living your wildest dreams?
It’s time to create your own affirmation. If you need my guidance or help, comment your affirmation below and I will let you know if there’re any changes to be made.
This journaling technique for manifestation works like magic if you show up for 33 continuous days. Again (3+3 = 6 and 3×3 = 9)
Journal 3 times in the morning:
Now that you know the reason behind choosing these numbers and have crafted your affirmation; it’s time to sit down and write this affirmation three times in the morning.
I would highly recommend choosing one thing to manifest on. The key to success when manifesting anything is to focus on the feeling, on the energy of what it is you want to attract, and how it will feel when (not if) it enters your life.
As you start journaling for manifestation using the 369 technique, imagine your wildest dream coming into reality. Imagine seeing huge numbers in your savings account or you entering your dream house or living with your soulmate. Imagine how incredibly beautiful it feels to live your manifested life.
After completing the morning session, leave all the ‘how’ ‘when’ onto Universe. It’s not your job to think about when it will happen or how it will happen. Trust that your wish is heard and the universe has already begun her divine magic. Carry on with your day without thinking much of your manifestation.
You don’t check Amazon every second after placing the order to check whether it’s coming. You know it’s done. Similarly, know that it’s done.
Journal 6 times at midday:
This can be your lunch break or lunchtime, grab your journal and repeat your crafted affirmation six times. Note that, use the same affirmation that you journaled on during the morning.
Again, remember to focus on your feelings and visualize your manifestation coming true as your ink flows on paper. This is the power of journaling, it forces you to be present in the moment and be conscious of what you’re inviting into your life.
If you’re having a stressful day and couldn’t bring yourself to journal, exercising or moving your body really helps. I always practice some grounding exercises before beginning my journaling session.
Know that not every day is going to be the same but you can always choose a better feeling, you can always choose to show yourself some grace and kindness on tough days.
Journal 9 times before hitting the bed
Grab your journal before you hit the bed and write your affirmation for the nine times before you go to sleep. The initial 3 scripts were to set the intention to the universe, the following 6 were to amplify them and the final 9 are to set this manifestation in stone.
When you combine the power of Tesla’s numerology with Abraham’s 17-second manifestation ideology, your manifestation is going to work.
Do not overthink this, let the Universe work her magic as you dive deeper into your affirmations and journaling.

Tips for using 369 journaling for manifestation
- Writing your affirmation in the present tense holds great importance here. Always use your words in the present tense as if you already have that in your life. It’s always ‘ I have ‘ rather than ‘ I want’ because according to the Law of Attraction, Universe delivers the exact thing you put out your vibration for. When you use the ‘I will’ or ‘I want’, it indicates that you still do not have it and Universe won’t deliver.
- ‘SURRENDER’. As mentioned above, when you’re journaling for manifestation, remind yourself that it’s not your job to figure out the details, to figure out when or how things will happen. Your work is to believe and trust in the power of the Universe just as you do with Amazon (lol)
- Be consistent. The whole idea of having 369 journaling for manifestation technique is about reminding your mind of your desire, of your manifestation the entire day so that you stay in that very energy of receiving. Do not skip a day.
- ‘What if your desire doesn’t appear towards the end of 33 days?’ Alright, if you’re thinking this, you’re doubting. In order for manifestation to be true, you should believe in it with every fiber of your being. Your manifestation might appear before 33 days or even after 33 days when you’re least expecting it. Everything works on divine timing. Nothing will appear a minute sooner or a minute later in your life.
- There will be times when you would find it difficult to believe that manifestation works. You will have negative thoughts and beliefs about your affirmations. This is the time when you need to work on your limiting beliefs. This is the time when you need to be aware of what’s troubling you. Here’s my post on ‘ Reframing your limiting beliefs through powerful journaling exercises’.
369 journaling for manifestation
369 journaling technique for manifestation isn’t all fluff. This technique has worked for me and for my clients already. I would highly recommend giving it a try and if you’re looking for guidance to live an aligned, abundant life; check out my 1-1 offering.
Through my 1-1 coaching, I help women step into their power, release their limiting blocks, heal their inner child, and past trauma, manage tough emotions like anger and finally realize how truly powerful, limitless, and phenomenal they are. If you’re someone who wants to step into a healthier and happier life, book a call with me, and let’s chat.
May 12, 2022 at 5:32 amSo at a time we can journal only about one thing ? Like if I want to manifest all areas of my life can’t I do it together?